Amethyst Studio
1804 words
9 minutes




quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) = 
     quicksort [y | y <- xs, y <= x] ++ [x] ++ quicksort [y | y <- xs, y > x]






template <int ... N>
struct NumberList;


// Get Front Element
template <typename List>
struct FrontElementT;

template <int Head, int ... Tail>
struct FrontElementT<NumberList<Head, Tail...>> {
    static const int value = Head;

template <typename List>
static const int FrontElement = FrontElementT<List>::value;



// Pop Front
template <typename List>
struct PopFrontT;

template <int Head, int ... Tail>
struct PopFrontT<NumberList<Head, Tail...>> {
    using type = NumberList<Tail...>;

template <typename List>
using PopFront = typename PopFrontT<List>::type;



// Push Front
template <int Element, typename List>
struct PushFrontT;

template <int Element, int ... N>
struct PushFrontT<Element, NumberList<N...>> {
    using type = NumberList<Element, N...>;

template <int Element, typename List>
using PushFront = typename PushFrontT<Element, List>::type;





template<int L, int R>
struct Less {
    static constexpr bool value = L < R;


// Partition Left
template <int Pivot, typename List, template <int, int> typename Compare>
struct PartitionLeftT;

template <int Pivot, int Head, int ... Tail, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct PartitionLeftT<Pivot, NumberList<Head, Tail...>, Compare> {
    using type = typename std::conditional_t<Compare<Head, Pivot>::value,
                                             PushFront<Head, typename PartitionLeftT<Pivot, NumberList<Tail...>, Compare>::type>,
                                             typename PartitionLeftT<Pivot, NumberList<Tail...>, Compare>::type>;

template <int Pivot, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct PartitionLeftT<Pivot, NumberList<>, Compare> {
    using type = NumberList<>;

template <int Pivot, typename List, template<int, int> typename Compare>
using PartitionLeft = typename PartitionLeftT<Pivot, List, Compare>::type;



// Partition Right
template <int Pivot, typename List, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct PartitionRightT;

template <int Pivot, int Head, int ... Tail, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct PartitionRightT<Pivot, NumberList<Head, Tail...>, Compare> {
    using type = typename std::conditional_t<!Compare<Head, Pivot>::value,
                                             PushFront<Head, typename PartitionRightT<Pivot, NumberList<Tail...>, Compare>::type>,
                                             typename PartitionRightT<Pivot, NumberList<Tail...>, Compare>::type>;

template <int Pivot, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct PartitionRightT<Pivot, NumberList<>, Compare> {
    using type = NumberList<>;

template <int Pivot, typename List, template<int, int> typename Compare>
using PartitionRight = typename PartitionRightT<Pivot, List, Compare>::type;


// Concatenate
template <typename LList, int M, typename RList>
struct ConcatenateT;

template <int ... L, int M, int ... R>
struct ConcatenateT<NumberList<L...>, M, NumberList<R...>> {
    using type = NumberList<L..., M, R...>;

template <typename LList, int M, typename RList>
using Concatenate = typename ConcatenateT<LList, M, RList>::type;

Quick Sort#


// Quick sort
template <typename List, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct QuickSortT {
  using Result = Concatenate<typename QuickSortT<PartitionLeft<FrontElement<List>, PopFront<List>, Compare>, Compare>::Result,
                             typename QuickSortT<PartitionRight<FrontElement<List>, PopFront<List>, Compare>, Compare>::Result>;



template <template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct QuickSortT<NumberList<>, Compare> {
  using Result = NumberList<>;

template <int N, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct QuickSortT<NumberList<N>, Compare> {
  using Result = NumberList<N>;

template <typename List, template<int, int> typename Compare>
using QuickSort = typename QuickSortT<List, Compare>::Result;



// Implement quick sort, but with meta programming.
// For better understanding, using Haskell code rather than runtime C code to represent the algorithm.
// Haskell code for quick sort:
// quicksort [] = []
// quicksort (x:xs) = 
//      quicksort [y | y <- xs, y <= x] ++ [x] ++ quicksort [y | y <- xs, y > x]

#include <iostream>

template <int ... N>
struct NumberList;

// Get Front Element
template <typename List>
struct FrontElementT;

template <int Head, int ... Tail>
struct FrontElementT<NumberList<Head, Tail...>> {
    static const int value = Head;

template <typename List>
static const int FrontElement = FrontElementT<List>::value;

// Push Front
template <int Element, typename List>
struct PushFrontT;

template <int Element, int ... N>
struct PushFrontT<Element, NumberList<N...>> {
    using type = NumberList<Element, N...>;

template <int Element, typename List>
using PushFront = typename PushFrontT<Element, List>::type;

// Pop Front
template <typename List>
struct PopFrontT;

template <int Head, int ... Tail>
struct PopFrontT<NumberList<Head, Tail...>> {
    using type = NumberList<Tail...>;

template <typename List>
using PopFront = typename PopFrontT<List>::type;

// Compare
template<int L, int R>
struct Less {
    static constexpr bool value = L < R;

// Partition Left
template <int Pivot, typename List, template <int, int> typename Compare>
struct PartitionLeftT;

template <int Pivot, int Head, int ... Tail, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct PartitionLeftT<Pivot, NumberList<Head, Tail...>, Compare> {
    using type = typename std::conditional_t<Compare<Head, Pivot>::value,
                                             PushFront<Head, typename PartitionLeftT<Pivot, NumberList<Tail...>, Compare>::type>,
                                             typename PartitionLeftT<Pivot, NumberList<Tail...>, Compare>::type>;

template <int Pivot, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct PartitionLeftT<Pivot, NumberList<>, Compare> {
    using type = NumberList<>;

template <int Pivot, typename List, template<int, int> typename Compare>
using PartitionLeft = typename PartitionLeftT<Pivot, List, Compare>::type;

// Partition Right
template <int Pivot, typename List, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct PartitionRightT;

template <int Pivot, int Head, int ... Tail, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct PartitionRightT<Pivot, NumberList<Head, Tail...>, Compare> {
    using type = typename std::conditional_t<!Compare<Head, Pivot>::value,
                                             PushFront<Head, typename PartitionRightT<Pivot, NumberList<Tail...>, Compare>::type>,
                                             typename PartitionRightT<Pivot, NumberList<Tail...>, Compare>::type>;

template <int Pivot, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct PartitionRightT<Pivot, NumberList<>, Compare> {
    using type = NumberList<>;

template <int Pivot, typename List, template<int, int> typename Compare>
using PartitionRight = typename PartitionRightT<Pivot, List, Compare>::type;

// Concatenate
template <typename LList, int M, typename RList>
struct ConcatenateT;

template <int ... L, int M, int ... R>
struct ConcatenateT<NumberList<L...>, M, NumberList<R...>> {
    using type = NumberList<L..., M, R...>;

template <typename LList, int M, typename RList>
using Concatenate = typename ConcatenateT<LList, M, RList>::type;

// Quick sort
template <typename List, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct QuickSortT {
  using Result = Concatenate<typename QuickSortT<PartitionLeft<FrontElement<List>, PopFront<List>, Compare>, Compare>::Result,
                             typename QuickSortT<PartitionRight<FrontElement<List>, PopFront<List>, Compare>, Compare>::Result>;

template <template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct QuickSortT<NumberList<>, Compare> {
  using Result = NumberList<>;

template <int N, template<int, int> typename Compare>
struct QuickSortT<NumberList<N>, Compare> {
  using Result = NumberList<N>;

template <typename List, template<int, int> typename Compare>
using QuickSort = typename QuickSortT<List, Compare>::Result;

template<typename T>
void printArg() {
  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;

int main() {
    using List = NumberList<1,2,6,3, 8>;
    printArg<PartitionLeft<5, List, Less>>();
    printArg<PartitionRight<5, List, Less>>();
    printArg<ConcatenateT<NumberList<1,2,3>, 0, NumberList<4,5,6>>::type>();
    printArg<PartitionLeft<FrontElement<List>, PopFront<List>, Less>>();
    printArg<QuickSort<List, Less>>();
    return 0;
Kaida Amethyst
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